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Acrylic Pour Art Workshop with Shiza Abbasi

acrylic pour art

Acrylic pouring is a painting technique in which acrylic paint is mixed with some type of pouring medium and later poured onto a surface in a variety of ways. Sometimes colours are poured directly from individual cups, and other times multiple colours are combined into one cup and poured together. To give our Circle Members the experience to learn and enlighten themselves about this art form, Rajasthan Studio curated a special Acrylic Pour Art Workshop and invited Shiza Abbasi.

Shiza hails from Lucknow and sheā€™s a teacher by profession who loves creating art in every form. She likes to paint daily, as it relaxes and motivates her. Shiza has been conducting art workshops since 2019 and is excited to continue her hobby.

Acrylic Pour Art Workshop Began

The workshop began with Shiza listing out the materials which were to be of use during the workshop. She also gave a brief introduction of what to expect from this workshop. Shiza started by pouring the colour into the container while guiding the participation regarding the proportion of water and colour and how to mix the colour.

Shiza guided everyone regarding how to get the right consistency of the colour. Later she poured the colour on the canvas. She also showcased some of her artworks, which was appreciated by the attendees.

Towards the end of the Workshop

Shiza used a hairdryer to create some unique and beautiful pattern on the canvas. She also showed some more artworks which she made and gave insights into how the attendees can make the artworks as well.

The attendees were from different parts of the country. Also, they belonged to different age groups but their love for art brought them together on a single platform. Rajasthan studio as always was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together.

On this note, we take your leave. See you next time!

Also, for more information on upcoming Circle Experiences, follow us on Instagram.

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