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A Guide To Showcasing Artwork On Rooftop

Showcasing Artwork On Your Artistic Journey

Pictures are moments captured in time. Think of a moment that was so precious to you that you wanted to preserve it for eternity. You mustā€™ve had so many of these moments, and each of them became a picture saved on your camera roll. If youā€™re an artist, you must have taken pictures of your artwork as well. Youā€™ve also shared these cherished memories with your friends, family, and followers.

Photography is an important tool for artists. It is a form of visual art, but it is so much more than that. Artists can use it to take pictures of their artwork, capturing moments of their artistic journey that they can look back on. Let us guide you on how you can use the Rooftop app to showcase your artwork.

Share Your Art On A Platform For Artists

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Learning traditional art forms is only half the fun. The other half is sharing your art with friends and family. Capturing moments to share makes the process so much more worth it. But how do you share your artwork with other artists? Itā€™s important to be a part of a community while youā€™re on your art journey. Youā€™ll be able to learn new techniques, stay updated on current trends, and give and receive feedback. However, using social media wonā€™t give you as much exposure to other artists as youā€™d hoped. Social media is great for building an audience, but how do you connect with like-minded art enthusiasts?

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A platform created for artists and art lovers would help you showcase your artwork to others. Hereā€™s where the Rooftop app comes in. The Community section on the Rooftop app is designed for you to share your art with the world, but especially with people who are part of the art world. Thereā€™s no point in sharing your work with an inactive and uninterested audience.

Having your artwork seen by the right people can provide you with a window of opportunity. You might be asked to collaborate, display, or even sell your work if the right people are part of your audience. And these peopleā€”artists, art lovers, and enthusiastsā€”are right here, on the Rooftop app!

Also read: Top 10 Art-tastic ways to use the Rooftop app!

Keep Track Of Your Progress Through The Community Section


Art is a journey, and youā€™ll get better as you keep doing it. If you keep drawing and painting, your art will improve immensely. Posting pictures of your artwork ensures that you have something to look back on as you progress. Youā€™ll be able to see exactly how you improved. Post your artwork after every workshop or course you attend on the Rooftop app. As you grow on your journey, youā€™ll see exactly how far youā€™ve come. Each workshop will teach you something new, and each course will improve your artwork by leaps and bounds.

Your art journey may not be simple and straightforward, but it will be filled with satisfaction. Make friends in the community tab and watch them grow as well. Capturing moments of your journey has never been easier.

Also read: 7 Ways To Start Making Art On The Rooftop App

Share Your Artwork And Meet New People

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Meeting others in workshops can be a great way to make friends. Who knows? You might be able to meet your new best friend or partner at an art workshop. Rooftopā€™s workshops are a great way to network and connect with other art enthusiasts. You can finish art pieces together, sign up for new workshops together, and post your artwork on Rooftopā€™s community together as well. Youā€™ll be able to strengthen your friendship and document your art journey. Isnā€™t that wonderful? 

Rooftopā€™s community is your very own virtual art family. You will find mentors here as well as companions. You will teach as well as learn from other artists. Some artists may consider art to be their hobby, while for others it may be their profession. Youā€™ll be exposed to new viewpoints and art styles. The artwork you post in the Community section may turn out to be the inspiration behind someone elseā€™s masterpiece.

Rooftopā€™s Guide To Showcasing Artwork On The App


All you need to get started is the Rooftop app. You can register for a workshop or enrol in a Maestro course. Rooftop conducts four live workshops a day, and some are even free! The Maestro courses are in-depth, comprehensive courses about a particular traditional art form. After youā€™ve attended the workshop or course, post the artwork that you created during it in the Community section. Add a fun caption, and thatā€™s it! Itā€™s that easy to be a part of the Rooftop Community. Youā€™ve now started capturing moments of your art journey and displaying them on the Rooftop app.

So, letā€™s recap how you can join a growing community of over 2100 artists:

  1. Attend Rooftopsā€™ fun-filled courses or workshops.
  2. Take a picture (or pictures) of your artwork and upload it to the Rooftop app.
  3. Add a fun caption, add a hashtag, tag a friend, annnd youā€™re done!

Download the Rooftop App from Google Play or the App Store to share moments of your art journey with fellow artists and art lovers.

Discover us on Instagram @rooftop_app for all things on traditional, folk, and tribal art forms.

By Melissa D’Mello

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