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Brush calligraphy with Gitika Jain

Brush calligraphy with Gitika Jain

Have you ever felt amazed at the strokes of letters written in calligraphy? Let’s agree we all have at some or the other point and have also tried to enact those letters with great desire. But somehow failed to acquire mastery over it. So here’s your chance to redeem and win back your most fascinated form of art, Calligraphy. 

The Circle Community’s Brush Calligraphy workshop with Gitika Jain is all that a creative and aspiring mind like you need. It well guides you with basic to advanced settings of Calligraphy and aware you of a variety of tips and hacks to acquire mastery over the same. 

About the Artist:- 

Gitika Jain is a Calligraphist by profession holding 3+ years of experience in the field. She’s been a part of several workshops guiding and supervising a wider audience of creative minds. 

The workshop began:- 

The workshop began with the host sharing a warm introduction about the mentor, Gitika Jain and her expertise in the field down the years. On successful introduction, she then took over and began with introducing basic strokes to remember and practise when trying to have your hands clear on Calligraphy. 

She then walked the attendees of the workshop through each alphabet in order to give them ideas of curating it in the best way. On the further go, Gitika briefed learners on creating creative pieces using various colourful strokes and blends. The attendees truly were enjoying losing themselves in the striking art form learning with fun and joy. 

Towards the end of the workshop:- 

Towards the end of the workshop, several Calligraphy art pieces were created by Gitika Jain. The attendees of the workshop who belonged to different age groups co-created the art pieces too. In the end, their works were highlighted and tailored with effective feedback by Gitika Jain herself. 

The session evolved fruitfully allowing learners to make the best out of it in every means. 

The Circle Community, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!

Also, for more information on upcoming Circle Experiences, follow us on Instagram.

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