Rooftop – Where India Inspires Creativity

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4 Easy Ways to Create Mountains With Watercolor by Ezhil Aparajit

Watercolour mountains

The love for mountains is simply never-ending. Some learn from it, some calm themselves losing in its mystical beauty while some take it back with them. Wonder how? By capturing the sight of the enthralling beauty into their favorite canvas, sealing it forever. Drawing mountains is a tedious job but when learned the right way, you tend to immediately master every element of it. 

And to let you do that, the Rooftop Art is all upfront with its, ” Ezhil Aparajit. She holds enormous knowledge and expertise in dealing with the art form. So, if you’re enrolling, you’re eventually preparing to set your best & effective stroke. Keep Scrolling! 

Image Credits – Bookmyshow

About the Artist:- 

Ezhil Aparajit is a profound art professional who not only holds commendable understanding and expertise in various art forms but also is an influential art instructor who responsibly shares what and how’s of getting started as an artist. 

The workshop began:- 

The mountain-making workshop began with the host making a warm introduction about the mentor and her expertise in the art field. On successful sharing, the mentor then took over the session and began with showing pieces touched by her creativity. She then introduced the art piece that was to be co-created and began with practicing it. 

Throughout her session she made sure to share clear and precise instructions in order to keep learners aware of the steps involved in acquiring the end result. Ezhil made sure learners were in the loop with each step being followed. She also remained open to questions and queries in order to make the session productive and fruitful in every sense. 

Towards the end of the workshop:- 

The workshop came to an end on a very constructive note where the mentor had successfully completed making 4 different mountains following easy and reliable steps. The attendees co-created the pieces too. Their pieces were highlighted in the end and tailored with effective comments by the mentor herself. 

These attendees were of different age groups, passionately involved in learning and exploring exceptional art forms. 

The Rooftop team, as always, was successful in connecting artists and curating a magical and positive vibe together. 

On this note, here’s us signing off until next time!

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